
I am involved in service at the departmental, university, national, and international levels with an emphasis on research and graduate education for K-16 STEM teaching, learning, curriculum, and assessment.  I serve as Associate Editor for the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, on the Executive Committee for the Geoscience Education Research Division of the National Association for Geoscience Teaching (NAGT), which involves providing leadership for geoscience education research efforts spanning the geoscience and science education communities, and on the Education and Outreach Committee for the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science (CUAHSI), a national organization focused on hydrology and water education. At UNL, I served as Vice Chair of the SNR Graduate Committee and Co-Chair of the NARST Outstanding Doctoral Research Award Selection Committee.  I serve on the CIRTL@Nebraska Steering Committee and have organized numerous graduate student research symposia.  I am a member of multiple professional organizations in science education (NARST, ESERA, and NAGT), educational research (AERA), and the learning sciences (ISLS).  Between 2012-2015, I was a member of the editorial board for the Journal of Research in Science Teaching and continue to serve as an ad hoc reviewer for many peer-reviewed journals. These include both science education journals (Science Education, International Journal of Science Education) and non-science education journals that are of interest to science education researchers (Educational Researcher, Elementary School Journal, Journal of Teacher Education, Journal of Environmental Education). I also review conference proposals for the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), as well as meetings of NARST and AERA. I am also heavily involved in peer-review of funding proposals for science education research and development at multiple state and federal agencies, including NSF, USDA-NIFA, and the NE Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education, as well as within UNL and the Office of Research and Economic Development through my service on the UNL Research Council.  I have also served on other committees for my home institution and professional organizations, provided leadership for multiple search committees, consulted and served on advisory boards for a number of external projects, and participated in local science education outreach activities.