Tag Archives: CGRER

RAES-Iowa project funded

RAESlogoThe Reflective Assessment for Elementary Science in Iowa (RAES-Iowa) project has been funded. More information about the project can be found here. I am thrilled to be working with an amazing group of project partners from the University of Iowa and CGRER, GWAEA and the VAST Center, FOSS at the Lawrence Hall of Science, and elementary teachers from the Iowa City Community School District (ICCSD), Washington Community Schools (WCSD), Clear Creek Amana Community School District (CCACSD), Highland Community School District (HCSD), and St. James School on this project. The first workshops for teachers begin June 13 in Iowa City!

University of Iowa Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research

I am very excited to have recently become a new faculty affiliate of the University of Iowa Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research (CGRER). CGRER is a state-funded institute that promotes interdisciplinary research on the many aspects of global environmental change, including regional effects on natural ecosystems, environments, and resources, and effects on human health, culture, and social systems. CGRER’s 72 members come from Universities across Iowa and the U.S., including those from 17 different departments at the University of Iowa. I am very excited to participate in CGRER as a science educator, as well as to explore the potential for this partnership to enhance and enrich both my teaching and research.