Tag Archives: Netherlands

Invited Talk at the International Conference on New Teacher Competencies

imageEarly this month I had the opportunity to travel to Enschede in the Netherlands to give an invited talk at the International Conference on New Teacher Competencies.  The conference was held at the University of Twente and was sponsored by DoCenter, Center for Knowledge Creation on Teacher Development and Curriculum Design, and SLO (National Institute for Curriculum Development in The Netherlands).  Through my talk, entitled ‘Supporting teachers use of curriculum materials for science: Empirically-grounded perspectives on teachers’ curriculum design competencies’, I was able to share conceptual foundations and research findings from our work with elementary teachers to use instructional materials for science in the PIESC3, RAES, and MoHSES projects.   It was a great opportunity to learn from others similarly interested in instructional design, teacher design teams, and supporting teachers to use curriculum materials effectively.  Thank you to Jules Pieters, Joke Voogt, Adam Handelzalts, Nienke Nieveen, Maaike Heitink, and Sandra Schele for being wonderful hosts and making the trip both productive and enjoyable.